Maritime 2nd Advent Believers OnLine Christian Family Fellowship Forums (formerly Maritime SDA OnLine)
Consisting mainly of both members and friends of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Welcomes and invites other members and friends of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to join us!
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This summer a family of sparrow hawks have taken up residence around our house. Though I've not seen the nest it must be close. This last week I've been seeing the young hunting with their parents. When they take mice and moles I'm thankful, not so much so when they take song birds.
Also in the field in front of our house there have been sand-hill cranes for the first time this summer. Until a couple of years ago we never saw them except maybe passing by high over head, but lately as I tend to the bees I'm seeing them more and more. Tall redheaded birds with 6-7 foot wing spans. (Redhead? Hey they and I have something in common!)
If at first you don't succeed.....destroy all evidence you ever tried.
Re: Birds seen lately#79066 09/02/0610:14 PM09/02/0610:14 PM
Last week I drove up to a pond and, shutting the truck door, realized I was being watched by a Great Blue Heron standing no more than 30 feet from me, unfazed by the truck noise. We observed each other for some time and as I turned back, a hummingbird appeared before me and perched (motionless!) for several seconds on a tree branch, within arm's reach.
The previous week I was surrounded by Monarch butterflies while working on a machine outdoors. One, then two, and finally four Monarchs had landed on my person for a short conversation and were even reluctant to take flight. They fluttered around for the afternoon. In these acts I saw the caring hand of my Creator.
God has special blessings for those who leave the cities. His creatures have many lessons to impart.
Re: Birds seen lately
[Re: Redfog]
#182911 03/25/1704:21 AM03/25/1704:21 AM
While this is a very old thread I just have to add an experience I had last summer with a brewers sparrow.
I was sitting outside with a pair of binoculars and a spotting scope on a tripod watching birds. It was something I did every day and I guess it got to be so common that the birds began to accept me as harmless and even grew curious as to who or what I was.
I had my binoculars up viewing some quail and I heard, and felt, a pair of wings right next to my head. I lowered my binoculars and there was a brewers sparrow sitting on my spotting scope less than a foot from my head observing me observing birds. He and I sat there for about a minute just looking at each other and when he had seen enough off he flew.
Re: Birds seen lately
[Re: Redfog]
#183055 03/31/1710:36 PM03/31/1710:36 PM
and yes. I think what we see is the natural color of the dog
Very nice picture and a very nice dog with a great disposition.
I was trying to load up a picture of Coquette (my white dog -- a Maremma) but failed many I need Daryl to give me permission before hand?
Well here's a picture from the net of a Maremma. Similar look, but colorwise very different. I was wondering if your boy was an Akbash? Their color can go into the golden instead of white. I read the Akbash are the toughest of all the guardian dogs. However, your guy seems quite nice; but I wouldn't try to penetrate his territory.
Re: Birds seen lately
[Re: Redfog]
#183364 04/19/1704:06 PM04/19/1704:06 PM
Actually, it is not my dog, so I am not sure. I was trying to photograph Red Tailed Hawks from the side of a farmer's field, when this guy came along and wanted to play. I told him I would make him famous on the internet if he did not run out on the road, and he complied perfectly.
"The worst foes of my spiritual life have never been hostile circumstance."
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Maritime 2nd Advent Believers OnLine (formerly Maritime SDA OnLine) is also a self-supporting ministry and is not part of, or affiliated with, or endorsed by The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland or any of its subsidiaries.
"And He saith unto them, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matt. 4:19