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Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Mountain Man] #92131
10/10/07 04:03 PM
10/10/07 04:03 PM
Mountain Man  Offline OP
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MM: Does God allow evil to happen? Does He allow wicked men to work evil? Does He allow evil angels to work evil? Is it His will to permit evil-doers to work evil?

TE: God *never* wants evil to happen.

Tom, please answer my question. Does God allow evil-doers to work evil? Is it His will to allow them to work evil? Of course He doesn't "want" them to work evil. That's not my question.

Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Mountain Man] #92132
10/10/07 04:10 PM
10/10/07 04:10 PM
Mountain Man  Offline OP
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TE: This [DA 764] has two main themes, it seems to me. Well, maybe three. The first two I was thinking of is that death is caused by separating from God. "he separates from God, and thus cuts himself off from life." The second is that the glory of God destroys the wicked, which is caused by their wrecking their character: "By a life of rebellion, Satan and all who unite with him place themselves so out of harmony with God that His very presence is to them a consuming fire. The glory of Him who is love will destroy them." The third theme is that their death is not caused by God, but by themselves.

Theme number one seems to conflict with two and three. If separation causes death, when would two and three occur?

Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Mountain Man] #92133
10/10/07 04:20 PM
10/10/07 04:20 PM
Mountain Man  Offline OP
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MM:Tom, you seem to be suggesting that Jesus contradicted Himself, that He refuted and rejected His earlier commandments.

TE: Not at all. Jesus Himself addressed the objection you are making as follows:

3The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?

4And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,

5And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

6Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

7They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away?

8He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so. (Matt. 19)

God made certain accommodations because of the hardness of their hearts, but His will was clearly revealed by Jesus Christ. *God's* way is not "eye for eye and tooth for tooth" but "love your enemies," "bless those who despitefully use you" "walk the second mile" "turn the other cheek." This is how God is, as we see clearly revealed by Jesus Christ, who did just these things.

MM: That simply is not true, is it? Again, what does demanding double punishment have to do with justice? How does this attitude represent the character of Jesus?

TE: You're talking about Rev. 18:6, right? Which is dealing with the corrupt system of Babylon? The angels are expressing their desire that this wicked system come to an end.

I'm not understanding why you don't understand that their cry is a cry for justice. It's like the cry of the souls under the altar.

Their attitude represents the attitude of Jesus because Jesus also wants things to be set right. He hates the system of Babylon also.

I still hear you saying Jesus took back His earlier commandment regarding an "eye for an eye", as if it were a temporary commandment based on Israel's defectiveness. I disagree.

Babylon as a system? No. The people of Babylon. The holy angels are calling for double punishment. Justice demands an eye for an eye, not twice as much. Also, Jesus did not come to demonstrate the wrath of God, therefore, His life did not reflect it. But when He comes a second time things will be drastically different. We call it a "strange act".

Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Mountain Man] #92134
10/10/07 04:30 PM
10/10/07 04:30 PM
Mountain Man  Offline OP
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GC 539, 540
God has given in His word decisive evidence that He will punish the transgressors of His law. Those who flatter themselves that He is too merciful to execute justice upon the sinner, have only to look to the cross of Calvary. The death of the spotless Son of God testifies that "the wages of sin is death," that every violation of God's law must receive its just retribution. {GC 539.3}

TE: This paragraph should not be read in isolation, but in conjunction with other things she wrote (for example, in conjunction with the chapter that she started the book with!)

Tom, your intense labors to prove it is not God, but evil angels, who punish and destroy sinners seems to suggest that God is too merciful to "execute justice", that it is not like Him to cause death and destruction.

Also, your idea that God punishes sinners by commanding holy angels to withdraw and allow evil angels to work evil goes against everything you say about God. God is responsible for everything He permits evil angels to do.

The following passage makes no sense if we adopt the idea that God causes destruction by allowing evil angels to work evil.

A single angel destroyed all the first-born of the Egyptians and filled the land with mourning. When David offended against God by numbering the people, one angel caused that terrible destruction by which his sin was punished. The same destructive power exercised by holy angels when God commands, will be exercised by evil angels when He permits. There are forces now ready, and only waiting the divine permission, to spread desolation everywhere. {GC 614.2}

"The same destructive power exercised by holy angels when God commands, will be exercised by evil angels when He permits." According to the view you are espousing there is no difference between these two sources of destruction.

Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Mountain Man] #92137
10/10/07 09:19 PM
10/10/07 09:19 PM
Tom  Offline
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Tom, your intense labors to prove it is not God, but evil angels, who punish and destroy sinners

What??? We've been discussing this for several years. Where have I ever in the 4 years or however long it's been that we've discussed this said this? Where did you get this idea from?

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Tom] #92138
10/10/07 09:36 PM
10/10/07 09:36 PM
Tom  Offline
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Also, your idea that God punishes sinners by commanding holy angels to withdraw and allow evil angels to work evil goes against everything you say about God. God is responsible for everything He permits evil angels to do.

I'd be interested in what you think the everything I say about God is, if you think there is a contradiction here. What I think the everything I say about God is, is that He is exactly like Jesus Christ.

Your argument seems to be that because God is responsible for everything He permits evil angels to do (which is something you think, not me), that means there is some contradiction in regards to what I say about God, given that God destroys by allowing evil angels to destroy.

I'm not seeing the contradiction. Whatever contradiction you see looks to be stemming from what I would say is a faulty premise, which is that God is responsible for what evil angels do. I say that the evil angels are responsible for what they do. God would bear some responsibility if He somehow contributed to their doing evil, like misrepresenting something to them, or being unloving towards them, pushing them in the wrong direction, etc. Otherwise God is no more responsible for their actions than a biological parent would be for the actions of their children (limiting this to simply reproduction, not any errors in upbringing).

The following passage makes no sense if we adopt the idea that God causes destruction by allowing evil angels to work evil.

A single angel destroyed all the first-born of the Egyptians and filled the land with mourning. When David offended against God by numbering the people, one angel caused that terrible destruction by which his sin was punished. The same destructive power exercised by holy angels when God commands, will be exercised by evil angels when He permits. There are forces now ready, and only waiting the divine permission, to spread desolation everywhere. {GC 614.2}

"The same destructive power exercised by holy angels when God commands, will be exercised by evil angels when He permits." According to the view you are espousing there is no difference between these two sources of destruction.

When holy angels, or God, destroys, it is by way of withdrawing their protection. When evil angels destroy, they perform the destructive act. "Christ is the restorer. Satan is the destroyer." The way that God destroys is carefully detailed in "The Great Controversy," chapter 1.

I've written many pages to try to explain this to you (and it wouldn't hurt to write many more, as this is not an easy subject for many people to grasp), but it appears to me that you are just ignoring what I wrote. You haven't commented on anything I wrote, but just keep requoting the same passage, while ignoring all the points I have made. If you wish to discuss this further, I'm going to have to ask you to please read the lengthy post I wrote when you first asked your question, and comment on that, or ask some clarifying questions about that. I don't see how simply quoting the same thing over and over again and making the same point or asking the same question over and over again will get us anywhere.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Tom] #92139
10/10/07 09:49 PM
10/10/07 09:49 PM
Tom  Offline
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I'm going backwards again (i.e., taking your posts in reverse order)

I still hear you saying Jesus took back His earlier commandment regarding an "eye for an eye", as if it were a temporary commandment based on Israel's defectiveness. I disagree.

Why? What do you understand Jesus' point on the sermon on the mount to be?

Babylon as a system? No. The people of Babylon.

Regarding the meaning of Babylon, please see "A Warning Rejected" from "The Great Controversy," especially page 382 and following.

The holy angels are calling for double punishment. Justice demands an eye for an eye, not twice as much.

Neither of these is Scriptural justice, which is setting things right, as the following quotes bring out.

Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow". (Isaiah 1:17)

This is what the LORD says: "Administer justice every morning; rescue from the hand of his oppressor the one who has been robbed." (Jeremiah 21:12)

This is what the LORD Almighty says: "Administer true justice: show mercy and compassion to one another." (Zechariah 7:9)

Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice.( Isaiah 30:18)

I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations… A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he leads justice to victory (Matthew 12:18-21).

Also, Jesus did not come to demonstrate the wrath of God, therefore, His life did not reflect it. But when He comes a second time things will be drastically different. We call it a "strange act".

According to the Spirit of Prophecy, all that man can know about God was revealed in the life and character of His Son during His incarnation. If Jesus did not demonstrate the wrath of God, then that is not something we can know about God. That's simple logic. Either that or her statement is false.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Tom] #92140
10/10/07 09:52 PM
10/10/07 09:52 PM
Tom  Offline
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Theme number one seems to conflict with two and three. If separation causes death, when would two and three occur?

Yes it does. I wrote quite a lengthy post (not sure if it's in this thread or not) addressing this very point. It discussed my view of the judgment.

I'm not saying my view is correct, but it's an attempt to come up with a theory which fits all the evidence.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Tom] #92141
10/10/07 09:57 PM
10/10/07 09:57 PM
Tom  Offline
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Tom, please answer my question. Does God allow evil-doers to work evil?

This is obviously rhetorical.

Is it His will to allow them to work evil?

God's will is not that evil be done, but that good be done. God created beings with free will, so they are able to do things He does not want them to do. It is God's will to allow His creatures to have free choice.

Of course He doesn't "want" them to work evil. That's not my question.

It's not really clear to me what your question is. My point is that God does not intend for evil to happen, ever. This has never been any part of God's plan. God bears no responsibility whatever for evil, other than whatever responsibility attaches to creating beings with free will, and God has more than addressed this by the sacrifice of His Son.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Tom] #92143
10/11/07 03:47 PM
10/11/07 03:47 PM
Mountain Man  Offline OP
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MM: Tom, your intense labors to prove it is not God, but evil angels, who punish and destroy sinners seems to suggest that God is too merciful to "execute justice", that it is not like Him to cause death and destruction.

TE: What??? We've been discussing this for several years. Where have I ever in the 4 years or however long it's been that we've discussed this said this? Where did you get this idea from?

Here is what you posted recently on this thread about it:

The way God will destroy is plainly stated in inspiration, and I have quoted these sayings to you many times. For example, EGW writes of how God will show He is the living God by His withdrawal. #92122

God, and His angels, destroy by withdrawing. #92025

How does this take place? "No longer combat Satan in his efforts to destroy."#92025

But both Scripture and EGW make it clear that Satan causes the destruction, and that the holy angels simply release the winds of strife. The point here is that inspiration often presents God as doing that which He permits. #92025

The command by God to the Holy Angels is "Release!". This is how the holy angels destroy. #92025

The angels do not act out of harmony with the character of God as revealed by Christ. When Christ was urged to destroy, by calling fire from heaven, He replied, "You know not of what spirit you are." The spirit of Christ is not to destroy, but to restore. Christ is the restorer. Satan is the destroyer. #92025

Based on these types of statements can you blame me for concluding you believe - "... it is not God, but evil angels, who punish and destroy sinners..."

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