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Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Tom] #92621
11/05/07 07:23 PM
11/05/07 07:23 PM
Tom  Offline
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Tom, you suggested the cross would have been nonsensical to Adam and Eve before they sinned. I am attempting to explain why it could have made sense to them. They were well aware of the fact one third of the angels rebelled against God. It would not have been a stretch of the imagination for them to grasp the cross. Not any more than it was for the angels when Jesus revealed it to them for the first time.

Could God have done something more to prevent Eve from being deceived into eating the forbidden fruit? I believe this question is worth pondering. For example, why didn't God dispatch a holy angel to ask Eve, while she was dialoging with Satan, before she took a bite of the forbidden fruit - Might this be the fallen angel we warned you about? Wouldn't you like to ask Jesus about this before you take a bite?

Obviously God thought it not wise to do this, but why not? If the cross is what guarantees sin will not arise again in the future, why didn't God make this clear to FMAs in the beginning? He could have easily shown them a panoramic portrayal of sin and salvation and the cross as an example of what would have to happen if FMAs chose to rebel. So, why didn't He?

This doesn't really have to do with our conversation on foreknowledge, does it? Why not post this as a separate topic, and others, who may also be interested in this topic, but not foreknowledge, could also participate.

I started to write a long answer, but I thought of a much shorter and direct one. The whole issue was over who to believe, Satan or God. Satan claimed that God was lying, while God claimed that Satan was the liar. In this scenario, isn't it clear that God's showing a film, or something similar, wouldn't resolve the problem? Satan could just claim the film was a lie, and he wouldn't do the things portrayed in the film. The questions regarding God's character would still remain.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Tom] #92629
11/06/07 04:26 PM
11/06/07 04:26 PM
Mountain Man  Offline OP
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You wrote - God is not doing something that caused sin to certainly happen.

In response to this I wrote - What God did do certainly resulted in FMAs sinning. In other words, God did something that certainly resulted in FMAs sinning, namely, He created them in spite of the fact He knew in advance there was a slight chance (according to your view) they would sin.

God did something that *might* result in FMAs sinning, namely, He created them knowing they had free will. What you're writing above here seems unnecessarily complicated to me.

Tom, you wrote - "God is not doing something that caused sin to certainly happen." I am responding to this observation. With hindsight in mind, we now know God did indeed do something that resulted in FMAs sinning, namely, He created them in spite of the fact He knew in advance they might sin. The only way around this would have been not to create them.

But the risk was worth it. Why? Because even if FMAs were certain to rebel, according to your view, God was still willing to go through with it, because in the end, after the elimination of sin and sinners, the remaining FMAs would live happily ever after. God would eventually end up with what He wanted all along - FMAs to share and receive divine love and companionship. The end (FMAs living happily ever after) justifies the means (allowing the GC to run its course).

Don't you think God would have gone through with it anyhow even if He knew in advance, as I believe, that FMAs would certainly rebel? If so, how, then, does my view appear to misrepresent God's character?

Tom, sometimes your coaching (teaching, instructing) me on how and what to post is wearisome.

I can assure you, your posts have a similar affect on my at times, brother! \:\) However, I still enjoy our discussions.

I will be more careful from now on not to tell how to post or what to post. I will leave it up to you to decide what is right and appropriate. And, like you, I enjoy our discussions.

At any rate, you have been saying that my view misrepresents the character of God, and that your view is the truth, that it correctly represents the character of God.

I don't think I stated any of these things in this way. I think I was more charitable in the way I put things. I don't make statements like what you are saying in an unqualified way, unless it's a gross oversight. IOW, I would have written something like, "It seems to me this view misrepresents God's character because of xyz." I allow for the possibility I might be wrong. If nothing else, I may have misunderstood something you wrote.

Regarding my view, it's evolving. Over the few years I've been posting here, it's evolved a lot. I'm sure it will continue to change. I can say that as I grow to more about God, my appreciation for who He is grows, but I'm sure my view is very limited. I wouldn't begin to presume to say that it is "the truth" in any all-encompassing sort of way. It's simply how I view things as of now.

Thank you for clarifying this point. I never suspected you were so flexible or tentative. You sound very convinced that God did not know in advance FMAs would certainly rebel.

I am attempting to point out an observation regarding this comparison. Again, just because you think your view in comparison to mine is better doesn't mean your view is true or right.

I don't see why this is a point that needs to be made. Did it enter your mind that I thought such a thing? That because I held a certain view, that made it right? Do I need to point out to you that because you think God sees the future like a T.V. rerun that this doesn't make it so?

Actually, I do not think my view is right because I think it is better in comparison to your view. I think it is right because I believe Inspiration teaches it. I suspect you feel the same way about your view. It's just that I thought you were comparing our two views and concluding yours is better than mine and therefore right.

Again, I believe the idea that God did not know in advance if FMAs would sin, that in spite of this He chose to create them anyhow, misrepresents the character of God. In my mind, it depicts Him as incompetent and reckless. It reminds me of a mad scientist, like Dr. Frankenstein, unsure what his creation will do, but deciding to risk it, hoping it doesn't go awry or worse.

I can't imagine how anyone would view perspective a below as worse than b.

a)The Creator creates beings with free will, knowing it's possible they may use their free will to rebel.
b)The Creator creates a being that He is certain to rebel, and lead many others into rebellion, even though there was no need for Him to do so.

I wish I could see things the way you are saying, as then I might at least understood you a bit better. God created beings to love and be loved, which necessitated their having free will. This is just reality. What could God have done differently? (other than not create FMAs at all). I don't see how you can equate what God did, in this sceanario, with Dr. Frankenstein. *That* seems reckless to me.

According to you, God was unsure what His creation would do, but decided to risk it anyhow, hoping things wouldn't go awry or worse. How is this any different than Dr. Frankenstein, who was unsure what his creation would do, but decided to risk it anyhow, hoping things wouldn't go awry or worse? Please explain this to me. Thank you.

No doubt you will be tempted to address this observation with an equally unflattering depiction of my view, but to what purpose? Will comparing your view to mine, trying to prove how yours is less monstrous, improve my mental image of your view?

I guess the purpose I have in mind in these discussions is to help clarify how I see things, to develop my perspective, and to improve my ability to dialog. I don't have any aspirations that your mental image of my view will "improve," but there's some possibility you might understand it better by way of contrast.

Also I see great shortcomings to your position, so I feel somewhat constrained to point these out, although I don't really have any expectations regarding your changing your mental image, as you put it. The best I hope for is that you might understand what I'm saying, and perhaps see things from my perspective to some extent, even though you disagree with it.
Well put, Tom. Thank you. If the truth be told, that is exactly what I am trying to do here - to understand what you believe and why you believe it.

[quote]Instead, what I would like to know is - Why is your view true and right? How does it not depict God as incompetent and reckless? Do you understand what I'm asking?

Regarding what makes my view "right," as you put it, is the force of logic and what we know about God's character. I have been arguing along these lines throughout the entirety of our discussion on this issue. I point out the logical inconsistencies I see to your view, and the logical consistencies I see in mine, and how the respective views represent God's character, as I see things.

From my perspective, the future is the sum of all possible things which can happen. The possibility of rejection is inherent to free will. To depict a Being as reckless or incompetent because He cannot see things in a way that does not reflect reality, does not seem reasonable to me. It's like asking if God can create a rock so big He can't lift it, and given the answer "no," then indicting God for a lack of power.

I understand. Hopefully we can at least agree to disagree. And, hopefully, after all is said and done, we believe our respective view is supported in Scripture.

Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Tom] #92631
11/06/07 05:33 PM
11/06/07 05:33 PM
Mountain Man  Offline OP
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Regarding the "you go first" comments, I've already answered your question, MM, several times. You want to know how God, before the Great Controversy had begun, foresaw that sin was a possibility, whereas after the Great Controversy God foresees that sin will not happen again. Rewarding your persistence, I will answer it yet again.

Why thank you, fine sir.

My answer is that God, in creating beings that can love and be loved, had to create them with free will. One of the creatures chose to use that free will to lead a rebellion. God foresaw this possibility.

Do you mean to say God foresaw the possibility that one FMA would choose to lead a rebellion? Did He foresee the possibility of other rebellions happening? Or, did He only foresee the one that ended up happening?

As a result of the rebellion, the Plan of Salvation was put into effect. This Plan answered all of the questions the rebel raised, and did so so wonderfully that the universe was safeguarded against sin by his so doing.

Was the universe less safe before playing out the plan of salvation? If one third of the angels hadn't rebelled, would the universe have been just as safe? Or, were both necessary in order to make the universe safe beyond a recurrence of rebellion? Otherwise, it implies rebellion was necessary.

The difference is that the character of God was fully revealed by Jesus Christ, in a way, and in a context, which had not been possible before. Before the challenges raised by Satan, no one questioned if God was self-sacrificing. With Christ, the answer to the question (one which had not even been thought of before) "is there self-sacrifice with God" was answered. In Christ it was seen fully and completely that what God requests of His creatures is simply a reflection of what He is like Himself. As Jesus put it, "the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve." This is what God is like. A servant. This incredible truth was not seen, being hidden by the majesty of awesomeness of God. But God shrouded His majesty and awesomeness so that His character could be manifest in a way it never had been.

Was this particular revelation of God's character necessary in order to prevent rebellion? If so, then surely there must have been a less destructive and discouraging way to demonstrate it, right?

Without the context of a fallen race, how would God have demonstrated these things? It wouldn't have made sense for God to become a man, and suffer and die as a man, if man had not sinned, would it?

Are you suggesting that the process of rebellion and redemption is the only way God was able to demonstrate those self-sacrificing traits of character necessary to safeguard the universe against a repetition of rebellion?

After the Great Controversy is over, God foresees that sin will not arise again because all of the questions regarding Him have been answered. Before the enemy rebelled, it was possible certain acusations could be laid against God. But now that they have been raised, and answered, they will not be raised again, because all those who might have had any such doubts have had those doubts removed by the revelation of Christ.

Earlier you wrote that Lucifer's knowledge of God was full and complete, that the cross was implied in the knowledge he possessed. How can you say, then, that knowledge of God’s self-sacrificing nature did not exist before the cross? And, how can you say such knowledge will prevent rebellion in the future considering the fact it didn’t prevent Lucifer from rebelling in the beginning?

That's one side of the answer. The other side of the answer is that I believe God perfectly knows the future, just as you believe He does, and God has revealed to us, no doubt taking into consideration His perfect knowledge of the future, has told us that sin will not arise again.

Regarding the situation before sin arose, I see three possibilities:
a)God did not know that sin was a possibility.
b)God knew sin was possible, but it wasn't a certainty.
c)God knew sin was a certainty.

I see a) as a problem, because that would imply God did not understand the dynamics of free will, although this alternative seems to me more plausible than c), since one could argue that for a perfectly created being to rebel against a perfectly loving God is an irrational act, so why should God know of the possibility of this irrational act? However, we are told that God did know of the possibilty, and made provision for it, so that rules out a).

If the possibility of rebelling is inseparably linked to free will, how can God know the possibility of rebelling will cease to exist after sin and sinners are eliminated in the lake of fire? Will free will cease to exist, too?

Also, addressing the argument, cited above, by simply saying God knew it was possible, does not explain why it is irrational and unexplainable, does it?

Regarding c), this raises the question as to why God would do such a thing create the universe in such a way that sin was certain to happen. This is totally incomprehensible to me. I realize you think it makes sense, but I just can't see why God would do such a thing. It would negate everything I know about God. He's been fighting to bring sin to an end since it came up. He's been doing all He can to end it as quickly as possible. Jesus Christ shows what a hateful thing sin is, and how much God hates it. How could God cause sin to come about, when He hates it so?

Do you think God would have chosen not to create FMAs if knew in advance they would choose to rebel? Or, do you think He would have decided the end (FMAs living happily ever after) justifies the means (creating FMAs knowing the process of rebellion and redemption would be necessary)?

Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Tom] #92632
11/06/07 05:43 PM
11/06/07 05:43 PM
Mountain Man  Offline OP
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 Originally Posted By: Tom Ewall
Besides, aren't you assuming not creating Lucifer was an option available to God? Where did you read such an idea? Why are you acting like it is a, Thus saith the Lord? If you don't really believe it, why are you treating it like a legitimate point?

I left this out inadvertently. Could you explain to me how not creating Lucifer could possibly not be an option to God? God is God. He can do anything He wants. If God was unable to refrain from creating Lucifer, then who or what forced Him into this predicament?

You appear to think that God was limited in His abilities to think of possible candidates for the position of covering cherubim. Lucifer popped into God's mind, and that was it. He couldn't think of anything else? I don't see how this could be considered a possibility. It seems to me incomparably more likely that God considered all the possibilities for a covering cherubim, and picked Lucifer, because Lucifer was the best choice.

Did God "pick" Lucifer for the position of covering cherub before He created him? If so, how could God know, from your perspective, he would have the necessary traits and qualifications? Is that how God designed and equipped him? If so, why didn't God omit those traits that led to his rebellion?

Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Tom] #92633
11/06/07 05:55 PM
11/06/07 05:55 PM
Mountain Man  Offline OP
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Tom, you suggested the cross would have been nonsensical to Adam and Eve before they sinned. I am attempting to explain why it could have made sense to them. They were well aware of the fact one third of the angels rebelled against God. It would not have been a stretch of the imagination for them to grasp the cross. Not any more than it was for the angels when Jesus revealed it to them for the first time.

Could God have done something more to prevent Eve from being deceived into eating the forbidden fruit? I believe this question is worth pondering. For example, why didn't God dispatch a holy angel to ask Eve, while she was dialoging with Satan, before she took a bite of the forbidden fruit - Might this be the fallen angel we warned you about? Wouldn't you like to ask Jesus about this before you take a bite?

Obviously God thought it not wise to do this, but why not? If the cross is what guarantees sin will not arise again in the future, why didn't God make this clear to FMAs in the beginning? He could have easily shown them a panoramic portrayal of sin and salvation and the cross as an example of what would have to happen if FMAs chose to rebel. So, why didn't He?

This doesn't really have to do with our conversation on foreknowledge, does it? Why not post this as a separate topic, and others, who may also be interested in this topic, but not foreknowledge, could also participate.

Isn't this thread about the concept of sin and punishment? My post, quoted above, is an attempt to understand the concept of sin.

I started to write a long answer, but I thought of a much shorter and direct one. The whole issue was over who to believe, Satan or God. Satan claimed that God was lying, while God claimed that Satan was the liar. In this scenario, isn't it clear that God's showing a film, or something similar, wouldn't resolve the problem? Satan could just claim the film was a lie, and he wouldn't do the things portrayed in the film. The questions regarding God's character would still remain.

Adam and Eve were already aware of the fact Satan is a liar. They were choosing to believe God and not Satan. Why wouldn't they continue to believe God if He had shown them a "movie" depicting how things would turn out if they chose to eat the forbidden fruit? The angels chose to believe it when Jesus explained it to them, right?

Could God have done something more to prevent Eve from being deceived into eating the forbidden fruit? I believe this question is worth pondering.

For example, why didn't God dispatch a holy angel to ask Eve, while she was dialoging with Satan, before she took a bite of the forbidden fruit - Might this be the fallen angel we warned you about? Wouldn't you like to ask Jesus about this before you take a bite?

Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Tom] #92634
11/06/07 05:57 PM
11/06/07 05:57 PM
Rosangela  Offline
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So this sounds like you're agreeing with me, that rebellion would have been the result had God not created Satan.

Is this your opinion?

Anyway, that's not my primary question at this time, but rather to make sure that what you are asserting is that had God not created Satan, and explained why, that this might have led to rebellion (not would have, but might have).

Yes, this is what I’m saying. I’m using “might” because we are just exploring possibilities here. Of course without an inspired statement about the subject no human being can know for sure how things would have developed.

Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Rosangela] #92640
11/06/07 06:48 PM
11/06/07 06:48 PM
Tom  Offline
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So this sounds like you're agreeing with me, that rebellion would have been the result had God not created Satan.

Is this your opinion?

The post that you were originally responding to was my trying to express your position. That is, I attempted to express your position, and asked if I were expressing it correctly. You restated your position without commenting on whether I had stated your position accurately or not. I then responded "So this sounds like you're agreeing with me," which is to say, that you were agreeing with me in regards to my having stated your position correctly, since it looked to me that your restatement of your position was similar to my statement of it.

So to answer your question, it is my opinion that what I wrote is what your position is (taking into account my further comments that I added regarding "would" and "might")

Anyway, that's not my primary question at this time, but rather to make sure that what you are asserting is that had God not created Satan, and explained why, that this might have led to rebellion (not would have, but might have).

Yes, this is what I’m saying. I’m using “might” because we are just exploring possibilities here. Of course without an inspired statement about the subject no human being can know for sure how things would have developed.

We have two scenarios to consider:

A.If God created Lucifer, rebellion was certain to occur.
B.If God did not create Lucifer, rebellion might occur.

I'm not understanding how scenario B would be superior to scenario A. Wouldn't it be better to take a course of action that *might* lead to problems, rather the one which is certain to lead to problems, especially when the problems are of such a grave nature?

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Tom] #92643
11/06/07 07:43 PM
11/06/07 07:43 PM
Tom  Offline
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Tom, you wrote - "God is not doing something that caused sin to certainly happen." I am responding to this observation. With hindsight in mind, we now know God did indeed do something that resulted in FMAs sinning, namely, He created them in spite of the fact He knew in advance they might sin. The only way around this would have been not to create them.

But the risk was worth it. Why? Because even if FMAs were certain to rebel, according to your view, God was still willing to go through with it, because in the end, after the elimination of sin and sinners, the remaining FMAs would live happily ever after. God would eventually end up with what He wanted all along - FMAs to share and receive divine love and companionship. The end (FMAs living happily ever after) justifies the means (allowing the GC to run its course).

Don't you think God would have gone through with it anyhow even if He knew in advance, as I believe, that FMAs would certainly rebel? If so, how, then, does my view appear to misrepresent God's character?

If God knew that FMAs would rebel, from my perspective, that would mean that all possible futures would lead to FMAs rebelling. This would suggest there was something wrong with the creation process. Surely a perfect God should be able to create an FMA that wasn't certain to rebel. Even now, the vast majority haven't rebelled. So, to answer your question, I don't think so.

I will be more careful from now on not to tell how to post or what to post. I will leave it up to you to decide what is right and appropriate.

Ok! But if something keeps coming up which you find bothersome, please let me know, either by mentioning it or PMing.

And, like you, I enjoy our discussions.


Thank you for clarifying this point. I never suspected you were so flexible or tentative. You sound very convinced that God did not know in advance FMAs would certainly rebel.

I wouldn't say tentative. The particular subject we are discussing on foreknowledge is something I've thought about for about 30 years. However I do try to be flexible. I've been wrong in the past about things I was just certain I was right about, so I've learned to be a lot more careful about being dogmatic.

Actually, I do not think my view is right because I think it is better in comparison to your view. I think it is right because I believe Inspiration teaches it. I suspect you feel the same way about your view. It's just that I thought you were comparing our two views and concluding yours is better than mine and therefore right.

No, my is right, and therefore better than yours. \:\)

According to you, God was unsure what His creation would do, but decided to risk it anyhow, hoping things wouldn't go awry or worse. How is this any different than Dr. Frankenstein, who was unsure what his creation would do, but decided to risk it anyhow, hoping things wouldn't go awry or worse? Please explain this to me. Thank you.

Frankenstein? Can't you come up with a more apt analogy? I don't feel comfortable addressing a question that has its premise comparing God to Frankenstein.

I understand. Hopefully we can at least agree to disagree. And, hopefully, after all is said and done, we believe our respective view is supported in Scripture.

We really haven't gone in to the Scriptural evidence. That's something I'd like to do. I have some ideas, regarding a presentation of the Open View from Scripture, but it will take some time to put together.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Tom] #92644
11/06/07 08:07 PM
11/06/07 08:07 PM
Tom  Offline
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Do you mean to say God foresaw the possibility that one FMA would choose to lead a rebellion? Did He foresee the possibility of other rebellions happening? Or, did He only foresee the one that ended up happening?

Yes to the first two questions, No the third. If there were only one possible rebellion, it seems to me that would have been easy to avoid.

Was the universe less safe before playing out the plan of salvation?


If one third of the angels hadn't rebelled, would the universe have been just as safe? Or, were both necessary in order to make the universe safe beyond a recurrence of rebellion? Otherwise, it implies rebellion was necessary.

There are some who make this argument, but I don't think it's sound. Here's why.

Assume that the possibility for rebellion exists because the safeguarding process which took place because of the Great Controversy playing out hadn't taken place. That does not mean that God was not working on some other safeguarding process that we simply don't know the details about. It seems virtually certain to me that God, being who He is, and not wanting rebellion with all its attendent misery to be experienced by His creatures, would have been working on such a project. Perhaps mankind was a part of that, but Satan got jealous, and decided to rebel, and here we are.

Was this particular revelation of God's character necessary in order to prevent rebellion? If so, then surely there must have been a less destructive and discouraging way to demonstrate it, right?

Yes, I think so.

Are you suggesting that the process of rebellion and redemption is the only way God was able to demonstrate those self-sacrificing traits of character necessary to safeguard the universe against a repetition of rebellion?


Earlier you wrote that Lucifer's knowledge of God was full and complete, that the cross was implied in the knowledge he possessed.

No me. EGW. DA "It Is Finished".

How can you say, then, that knowledge of God’s self-sacrificing nature did not exist before the cross?

She just says Lucifer knew it. Perhaps the fact that he was more intelligent than other beings has something to do with why he was able to grasp it.

And, how can you say such knowledge will prevent rebellion in the future considering the fact it didn’t prevent Lucifer from rebelling in the beginning?

Because the knowledge which becomes known involves the Great Controversy, which, among other things, requires that the participants take sides. After the Great Controversy plays out, those who have taken God's side will be shown to have been right. Why would they change their minds?

If the possibility of rebelling is inseparably linked to free will, how can God know the possibility of rebelling will cease to exist after sin and sinners are eliminated in the lake of fire? Will free will cease to exist, too?

The creation of beings with free will implies the possibility of rebellion. After rebellion has taken place, and created beings have taken sides on the issue, it makes sense that those who have taken God's side, and have been shown to be right, wouldn't change their minds, doesn't it?

Also, addressing the argument, cited above, by simply saying God knew it was possible, does not explain why it is irrational and unexplainable, does it?

No, it doesn't. However, if it were certain to occur, then it would not longer be unexplainable.

Do you think God would have chosen not to create FMAs if knew in advance they would choose to rebel? Or, do you think He would have decided the end (FMAs living happily ever after) justifies the means (creating FMAs knowing the process of rebellion and redemption would be necessary)?

The end does not justify the means. This principle is contrary to the principles of God's kingdom. The prnciples of God's kingdom are immutable, set out by the Ten Commandments, and by the revelation of Jesus Christ. So no to this last question. The first question I addressed previously.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
Re: The Concept of Sin, of Punishment, Etc. [Re: Tom] #92645
11/06/07 08:10 PM
11/06/07 08:10 PM
Tom  Offline
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Lawrence, Kansas
Did God "pick" Lucifer for the position of covering cherub before He created him?


If so, how could God know, from your perspective, he would have the necessary traits and qualifications?

God created him to have the necessary traits and qualifications.

Is that how God designed and equipped him? If so, why didn't God omit those traits that led to his rebellion?

If God ommitted free will, Lucifer would have been an automaton. God didn't want automatons.

Those who wait for the Bridegroom's coming are to say to the people, "Behold your God." The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love.
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