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Re: The truth about the fall #9851
08/02/03 11:39 AM
08/02/03 11:39 AM
Darius  Offline OP
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Originally posted by Mike Lowe:
Will, thank you for sharing. I appreciate your thoughtful insights. It seems pretty clear that God warned Adam and Eve at the same time. Gensis 2 cannot be read chronologically because it is obvious it wasn't written in that format.

How can it be so obvious? The most natural place to record the prohibition would be at the end of chapter 2, after Eve had been created. This would then lead in to the temptation in Chap. 3. But Moses, a chronicler trained by the Egyptians, did not do that. Add to that the supporting evidence of God's reactions and Paul's comment, all of which you choose to ignore, and the implication is crystal clear. Moses intended to make the point that Eve had not yet been created when the command was given.

Re: The truth about the fall #9852
08/02/03 04:02 PM
08/02/03 04:02 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Darius, you are fighting against very strong testimony in favor of the view I am advocating - namely, Sister White. Once again here is the chronology of Genesis 2:

Vs. 1-3 First sabbath kept
Vs. 3-6 Plants watered
Vs. 7 Adam created
Vs. 8-14 East Garden planted in Eden
Vs. 15 Adam placed in East Garden
Vs. 16-17 Prohibition
Vs. 18 Eve promised
Vs. 19 Animals and birds created
Vs. 20 Animals and birds named
Vs. 21-22 Eve created

Obviously Moses was not concerned with chronology in Genesis chapter 2. It is clear to me that after mentioning the first sabbath he goes back and fills in some of the details he left out in Genesis chapter 1 with no regard for the actual order it happened.

Therefore we can only trust the inspired insights of Sister White to help us with the task of placing these details in proper order. Again, the idea that God personally failed to warn Eve not to eat the forbidden fruit is inconsistent with a loving God.

Re: The truth about the fall #9853
08/02/03 04:59 PM
08/02/03 04:59 PM
Darius  Offline OP
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Originally posted by Mike Lowe:
Obviously Moses was not concerned with chronology in Genesis chapter 2. It is clear to me that after mentioning the first sabbath he goes back and fills in some of the details he left out in Genesis chapter 1 with no regard for the actual order it happened.

Moses is very concerned with chronology. Why would he not be? What is the advantage of ignoring the order of things? What is clear is that after establishing the creation Moses turned his direction to the matter of the Fall. He tells us how it came to be that Lucifer was able to get Adam and Eve to fall.

Your argument would have more force if you were able to demonstrate that this were the only instance in which EGW would have repeated ideas in the Christian church that have been shown to be false. Your contention that being wrong on this point would make her a false prophet since she has repeated misinterpretations in other areas. The only reason I can't detail these immediately is because I have never felt that her ministry required her to be perfect in her interpretations. None of the prophets made mistakes, and she was appointed as a pointer to the Bible not as an interpreter of the Bible. I don't think you have the authority to change God's mandate to her.

Re: The truth about the fall #9854
08/02/03 05:16 PM
08/02/03 05:16 PM
Darius  Offline OP
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Mike, instead of making this an appeal to authority let me explain how I find that the difference is significant.

Think about it in terms of ownership. We agree that God owns the earth and its inhabitants because He created all, Gen. 1:1; Ps. 24:1,2. We also believe that God transferred dominion over the earth to Adam and Eve. Gen. 1:26.

Now, for the application. If I claim ownership of your home do you think it makes a difference to the courts whether I am able to prove that that you willingly sold the property to me, or you are able to prove to the court that I tricked you into transferring title to me? Most certainly.

If Eve rebelled then she, acting as God's agent and representative of the human race, transferred dominion of the earth and its inhabitants to Lucifer. If she was deceived then Lucifer has no legal claim to the earth and its inhabitants. In the first case God could not launch a rescue mission. You can't rescue people who have willingly transferred their allegiance to another ruler. In the second scenario God has the legal authority to rescue us because we are captives. Interestingly, this is the only language that God uses; language of captivity.

What you would call a lack of love on God's part was really a demonstration of the extent of God's love for us. By not telling Eve directly He appeared to make Eve vulnerable and a target for temptation, but that was the only way to guarantee that if they succumbed to Lucifer's guiles Heaven would have the legal right, under the laws of the universe, to rescue us from Lucifer's prison.

Re: The truth about the fall #9855
08/02/03 06:16 PM
08/02/03 06:16 PM
Will  Offline
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I noticed that there is reference to a verse in the Bible that Paul stated what exactly(?) happened to Eve.


2 Corinthians 11:3
3 But I fear lest by any means, as the serpent deceived Eve in his craftiness, so your thoughts should be corrupted from the purity which is due to Christ.

The use of the word deceived according to Strongs concordance is as follows:

From G1537 and G538; to seduce wholly: - beguile, deceive.

Dictionary defines beguile as:

Main Entry: be·guile
Pronunciation: bi-'gI(&)l
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): be·guiled; be·guil·ing
Date: 13th century
transitive senses
1 : to lead by deception
3 : to while away especially by some agreeable occupation; also : DIVERT 2
4 : to engage the interest of by or as if by guile
intransitive senses : to deceive by wiles
synonym see DECEIVE

My understanding of the Bible is not on a scholarly level at all, but shouldn't the Bible be able to interpret itself? I mean with the guidance of The Holy Spirit I believe God will reveal this to us even though it seems clear to me and others, but definitely a good topic to discuss.
Eve was deceived by the clever words used by the serpent(satan), and the serpent was doing a bit of fishing to lead her into a false sense of security, but she still knew that she was not to eat of the fruit. Why was she so weak is my question?!! Had she forgot about God and what He said.. I just don;t understand the dynamics involved in how a creature which was suppose to be one of the most beautiful could trick Eve. Was there some type of eveil power much of which we as humans encounter when satan tries to tempt us into doing something we shouldn't, and then try and deceive us into thinking that its ok, but while all this happens you cannot help but feel a force coming against you. This is where we need to call on Jesus Christ to save us and to deliver us from the current storm facing us. Anyways those are my thoughts and some insight from personal experience when faced with temptation. Any thoughts?
God Bless and Happy Sabbath,


Re: The truth about the fall #9856
08/02/03 07:16 PM
08/02/03 07:16 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Darius, earlier you mentioned that other translations of Gen 2:19 read "Now God HAD created animals and brought them to Adam...." I did a search of 10 different translations and all read the same as the KJV. Which version are you talking about?

The reason I ask is because verse 19 is an indication that Moses wasn't recording chronologically in Genesis 2. Also, God promising to make Eve before Adam names the animals and birds is out of order too. Not to mention keeping the first sabbath before the creation of Eve.

Since Ellen White's inspired comments are so clear it's hard for me to abandon her and accept your new found idea. Which is not at all new. Clarke, Henry, Lightfoot and Wesley all assume as you do that God did not personally warn Eve about the consequences of eating the forbidden fruit. Thus Sister White held opposing views. Check out the following link to their commentaries:


Re: The truth about the fall #9857
08/02/03 07:19 PM
08/02/03 07:19 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Will, indeed how could someone so perfect fall for such a simple deception? It would appear to me that she was impressed with the potential of the fruit making her more like Jesus thus improving her relationship to God.

Re: The truth about the fall #9858
08/02/03 07:44 PM
08/02/03 07:44 PM
Darius  Offline OP
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Originally posted by Mike Lowe:
Will, indeed how could someone so perfect fall for such a simple deception? It would appear to me that she was impressed with the potential of the fruit making her more like Jesus thus improving her relationship to God.

Please describe the deception you have said was simple. Moses said she ate because she saw it was good for food and to make one wise. No need to surmise further.

Re: The truth about the fall #9859
08/02/03 07:49 PM
08/02/03 07:49 PM
Darius  Offline OP
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Originally posted by Mike Lowe:
Darius, earlier you mentioned that other translations of Gen 2:19 read "Now God HAD created animals and brought them to Adam...." I did a search of 10 different translations and all read the same as the KJV. Which version are you talking about?

Here is the NIV: Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.

Re: The truth about the fall #9860
08/02/03 07:57 PM
08/02/03 07:57 PM
Mountain Man  Offline
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Here's what makes sense to me:

The Test of Probation

The Lord placed man upon probation, that he might form a character of steadfast integrity for his own happiness and for the glory of his Creator. He had endowed Adam with powers of mind superior to any other creature that He had made. His mental powers were but little lower than those of the angels. He could become familiar with the sublimity and glory of nature, and understand the character of his heavenly Father in His created works. Amid the glories of Eden, everything that his eye rested upon testified of his Father's love and infinite power. {Con 12.1}

The first moral lesson given to Adam was that of self-denial. The reins of self-government were placed in his hands. Judgment, reason, and conscience were to bear sway. "And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." {Con 12.2}

Adam and Eve were permitted to partake of every tree in the garden save one. There was a single prohibition. The forbidden tree was as attractive and lovely as any of the trees in the garden. It was called the tree of knowledge because in partaking of that tree of which God had said, "Thou shalt not eat of it," they would have a knowledge of sin, an experience in disobedience. {Con 12.3}

Eve went from the side of her husband, viewing the beautiful things of nature, delighting her senses with the colors and fragrance of the flowers, and admiring the beauty of the trees and shrubs. She was thinking of the restrictions which God had laid upon them in regard to the tree of knowledge. She was pleased with the beauties and bounties which the Lord had furnished for the gratification of every want. All these, said she, God has given us to enjoy. They are all ours; for God has said, "Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it." {Con 12.4}

Eve had wandered near the forbidden tree, and her curiosity was aroused to know how death could be concealed in the fruit of this fair tree. She was surprised to hear her queries taken up and repeated by a strange voice. "Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" Eve was not aware that she had revealed her thoughts in audibly conversing with herself; therefore, she was greatly astonished to hear her queries repeated by a serpent. She really thought that the serpent had a knowledge of her thoughts, and that he must be very wise. {Con 13.1}

She answered him, "We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." {Con 13.2}

Here the father of lies made his assertion in direct contradiction to the expressed word of God. Satan assured Eve that she was created immortal, and that there was no possibility of her dying. He told her that God knew that if she and her husband should eat of the tree of knowledge, their understanding would be enlightened, expanded, and ennobled, making them equal with Himself. And the serpent answered Eve that the command of God,forbidding them to eat of the tree of knowledge, was given to keep them in such a state of subordination that they should not obtain knowledge, which was power. He assured her that the fruit of this tree was desirable above every other tree in the garden to make them wise, and to exalt them equal with God. He has, said the serpent, refused you the fruit of that tree which, of all the trees, is the most desirable for its delicious flavor and exhilarating influence. {Con 13.3}

Eve thought that the serpent's discourse was very wise, and that the prohibition of God was unjust. She looked with longing desire upon the tree laden with fruit which appeared very delicious. The serpent was eating it with apparent delight. She longed for this fruit above every other variety which God had given her a perfect right to use. {Con 14.1}

Eve had overstated the words of God's command. He had said to Adam and Eve, "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." In Eve's controversy with the serpent, she added "Neither shall ye touch it." Here the subtlety of the serpent appeared. This statement of Eve gave him advantage; he plucked the fruit and placed it in her hand, using her own words, He hath said, If ye touch it, ye shall die. You see no harm comes to you from touching the fruit, neither will you receive any harm by eating it. {Con 14.2}

Eve yielded to the lying sophistry of the devil in the form of a serpent. She ate the fruit, and realized no immediate harm. She then plucked the fruit for herself and for her husband. "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruitthereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat." {Con 14.3}

Adam and Eve should have been perfectly satisfied with their knowledge of God derived from His created works and received by the instruction of the holy angels. But their curiosity was aroused to become acquainted with that of which God designed they should have no knowledge. It was for their happiness to be ignorant of sin. The high state of knowledge to which they thought to attain by eating of the forbidden fruit, plunged them into the degradation of sin and guilt. {Con 15.1}

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